Welcome to GECONSULT

GECONSULT is a boutique consulting team operating globally from Switzerland. We specialise in advising clients on formulation and execution of strategies, with particular focus on globalisation and technology innovation. We are passionate advocates of the power of data, and of value creation for long-term, sustainable competitive advantage.


GECONSULT mission is to create connections between the operation experts and the business needs. It is amazing how many business problems can be addressed and resolved through data intelligence and how business owners and executives have no idea on the power of data, while data scientists have no idea on the problems out there to solve. GECONSULT is the bridge. 


Leveraging on exclusive access to experience in different and complementary domains, from business leadership in blue chip companies, to cutting hedge academic research, GECONSULT most recent practice brings the advancements in Blockchain Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning to the service of Client Companies wishing to harvest the disruptive power of these innovations to achieve leadership of cost, differentiation and focus in unprecedented ways.



Procurement plan definition for direct and indirect spend; vendor relationships management; long-term negotiation strategy; access to innovation; ecosystem approach to sourcing. Go beyond any traditional 'power play' approach, and win with your suppliers! It's Procurement 4.0 age.


As you grow and move to regional, national, or global, you want to keep the local touch and efficiencies of a lean, decentralised organisation. Governance, horizontal processes, best practices, organisation building and training. Explore, expand, experience! Sourcing will fuel your bottom line.


Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, big data analytics, preventive maintenance, forecasting. Blockchain-enabled interventions with Smart Contract supply chain solutions. Anticipate the challenges of Internet of Things. Lead in the digitally enabled world!